Let’s imagine for a second a world where all employees are valued in the workplace and guided by a leader that wants to see them excel in their professional and personal lives. The reality is that this isn’t just a fantasy; it’s a reality within many organizations where multilingualism boosts leadership skills.
According to Day Translations and DayBPO CEO Mr. Sean Patrick Hopwood, employee-focused management styles should be at the epicenter of leadership goals. In this post, we look at how multilingualism is beneficial to professionals looking to improve their leadership skills.
The Business Benefits of Multilingualism
It Enhances Academic Outlooks
Anyone that wants to improve their professional skills with academic qualifications abroad needs multilingualism skills. English might be one of the most common second languages in the world, but you’ll need to be able to speak more than just two languages to make your way around the global education system. Aside from tertiary studies, multilingualism is also beneficial for academic research and writing purposes. A person with international language skills has a higher probability of excelling in the academic field. This also means that multilingualism can open many professional doors for individuals.
Broader Scope of Professional Advancement Opportunities
Multilingualism can help broaden the spectrum of job opportunities and can also help you build stronger connections with your employees and colleagues. If you speak a variety of languages, you also have a unique outlook on life and enhanced problem-solving skills, which are essential in management roles. Not only will you have the ability to understand the same concept in a different context, but you will build more meaningful working connections because of your unique skillset.
Social Cohesion
Being multilingual is a powerful tool for social cohesion and collaboration. In the words of the famous freedom fighter, Nelson Mandela, if you thank a person in a language he understands, it just goes to his head. However, when you address them in their native language, the message goes straight to their hearts. Multilingual individuals have different visions, perspectives, and opinions about life as a whole, all of which can be leveraged to develop leadership skills.
Global Integration
Multilingualism enables and promotes global integration, and in our age of global village living, this is an essential element of successful leadership. Only teams guided by a leader with additional skills and qualities can leverage and grab opportunities for development.
Leaders That Follow Set the Stage for Business Success
Leaders must inspire their employees to go beyond just doing their job. Every employee should truly find purpose within their roles, but to help them achieve that, leaders need to speak the language of and understand the culture of their team members.
According to the study, I Follow; Therefore I Lead, successful leaders are the ones that show others that rolling up their sleeves and working within the group is a crucial ingredient to successful management. They’re eager to learn new skills and delegate tasks to help boost employee morale.
McKinsey interviewed more than 140 company leaders and identified the five key skills of outstanding leadership. When combined, those leadership abilities can help inspire employees to find meaning in their work. Furthermore, it assists with converting stress or fear into opportunities. Plus, it helps teams stay motivated in challenging situations.
An effective leader that shows enthusiasm for their work and conveys that passion to others can help increase performance and employee engagement. Effective leadership also promotes collaborative leadership among workers. This empowers them to step up and take the lead when the need calls for it.