Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the act of contracting work processes to external service providers as auxiliary – as opposed to core – business functions that can be either technical or non-technical.
Alle Unternehmen lagern Dienstleistungen aus, von jungen Start-ups bis hin zu Fortune-500-Unternehmen, und da immer mehr Unternehmen versuchen, der Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus zu sein, ist die Nachfrage nach BPO dramatisch gestiegen. BPO wird oft als Alternative zur Arbeitsmigration genutzt und ist eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, die Fähigkeiten internationaler Talente zu nutzen und ihnen gleichzeitig zu ermöglichen, in ihrem Heimatland zu bleiben.
Verschiedene BPO-Kategorien
BPO wird häufig in zwei Haupttypen von Dienstleistungen unterteilt, die für Back- und Front-Office-Anwendungen erbracht werden können. Interne Geschäftsprozesse wie der Einkauf fallen unter Back-Office-Dienste, während Front-Office-Dienste Marketing und technische Unterstützung umfassen. Dank BPO ist es einfach, diese Dienste zu konsolidieren, so dass sie als eine Einheit statt als zwei getrennte Dienstleistungsabteilungen funktionieren.
BPO kann ebenfalls in eine der drei Kategorien fallen, und je nach Standort des Anbieters kann der Prozess offshore, nearshore oder onshore stattfinden.
Offshore vendors are located outside of the organization’s home country. An excellent example of an offshore vendor is a Spanish company using an offshore BPO vendor in South Africa.
Nearshore refers to BPO vendors that are in the contracting company’s neighboring country. For example, a BPO in the United States is a nearshore option in Canada.
Onshore BPO vendors are in the same country as the contracting company, albeit they might be in another geographical area. A contractor in Seattle (U.S) might use an onshore vendor located in Texas.
Die Vorteile von BPO
There are various reasons why organizations choose to outsource services. In addition to reduced taxes when dealing with offshore BPO vendors, U.S. companies also choose to outsource to reduce operating costs, expand their global presence, and increase the speed and efficacy of their operations. Here’s a deeper look at the benefits of BPO.
Business Process Outsourcing Reduces Operating Costs
Wenn sich Unternehmen dafür entscheiden, Dienstleistungen auszulagern, anstatt Vollzeitkräfte im eigenen Haus einzustellen, kommt ein erheblicher Kosteneinsparungsfaktor ins Spiel. Die Unternehmen können beim Outsourcing auch variable Kostenmodelle verwenden, anstatt Festkostenmodelle einzusetzen, die zur Bindung von Mitarbeitern vor Ort verwendet werden müssen.
Es ermöglicht Unternehmen, sich auf die wichtigsten Funktionen zu konzentrieren
Many businesses choose to outsource services that aren’t directly related to their core functions and processes. For example, a U.S.-based brand won’t have to monitor localization projects as closely when they choose to use a Language Service Provider that is highly experienced in the matter. Instead, the company can focus on business growth, and together with its BPO services, the company will gain a competitive advantage, increase profits, and enhance its customer satisfaction ratings.
Ermöglicht Unternehmen die Ausweitung ihrer globalen Reichweite
Some outsourcing companies can service customers in many languages 365 days a year, relieving the contracting company of those responsibilities. Companies that outsource can strengthen their presence in multiple countries without risking having local divisions going redundant.
Business Process Outsourcing Enhances Flexibility
Businesses that outsource services are often better equipped to react to risks involved with launching new products and services. By outsourcing, the business can also realign its internal resources to ensure core business functions are placed on the top tier of the priority list. Since the contracting company turns to specialists for certain services, they’ll save time, improve accuracy, and increase their capacity simultaneously.
Welche Arten von Dienstleistungen können Unternehmen auslagern?
There are several services that BPO providers now offer in an attempt to help fills gaps within organizations. Some industries that participate in BPO initiatives include business services, language services, retail and e-commerce, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, energy, automotive, telecom, banking, supply chain, capacity solutions, and asset management, to name but a few. Thanks to the rising popularity of BPO, many subspecialties have emerged. These include:
ITES - oder Informationstechnologie-gestützte Dienstleistungen - BPO liefert IT-Dienste über das Internet. Zu diesen Dienstleistungen gehören in der Regel IT-Analysten und Service-Desk-Analysten.
Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) BPO focuses on research, analysis, and data processing services. In many instances, KPO services form part of core business functions, enabling them to sometimes make low-level business decisions. These services are often also linked to the vendor’s value chain since the sourcing business hires talent experienced in specific fields.
LPO (legal process outsourcing) also forms part of KPO, a subset comprising higher-level legal work that goes above legal transcription. Research process outsourcing (RPO) also forms part of KPOs and mainly focuses on research and analysis that supports marketing, biotech, investment, and business firms.
As the name implies, this type of BPO pertains to all operations a business relies on for its travel logistics, such as car rentals and hotel reservations. Many airline companies engage in BPO to help streamline front- or back-office processes.
In general, BPOs specialize in specific services. They fall into following major sectors:
- Kundeninteraktionsdienste
- Back-Office-Transaktionen
- IT- und Software-Dienstleistungen
- Finanz- und Buchhaltungsdienstleistungen
- Personalwesen
- Wissensdienste
Ready to Thrive with a Business Process Outsourcing Strategy?
Due to recent shifts in consumer behavior and a higher demand for multichannel communication, the BPO industry has grown exponentially over the last few years. With more companies relying on cloud technologies, technical services like HR, web design, and accounting are at the forefront of the BPO industry’s focus.
Die Auslagerung von Geschäftsprozessen (Business Transformation Outsourcing, BTO) ist ebenfalls auf dem Vormarsch, da sie den Unternehmen Zugang zu Beratungsdiensten verschafft, die traditionelle unterstützende Funktionen und die Fähigkeit zur Umgestaltung ihrer Prozesse bieten, um das allgemeine Geschäftswachstum zu steigern.